Blogmas oh Blogmas

Salam to all my dearest readers. Rase-rase is it enough in giving my service to Blogmas. Now I will continue my fav in blogging in here. The reason is only me know that. Huhu. I just want a comfortable in blogging. The weaknesses why i change it here because of the changing the admin from Malaysia to Turkeynese. So, Adar the admin before my member must sell this cause of the personal matter.

But I newbie in and a lot of learning process needed on decorating this blog. Hopefully my frenz will teach me ya!! Thanks for everything.

Huhu.. tapi Afham masih sayangkan blogmas. Memang terasa berat di hati untuk tingalkan nya.. Tambah2 blog Arsenal.. Pe yang perlu saya lakukan ea.. Please help me!!

4 ulasan:

Ainsya berkata...

welcome to the club..haha..

eh, blog arsenal buaang cmtu jer ker ? oo..admin dr malaysia dah tukar org turki pulak..ish2..

Afham berkata...

nk wat cam ne.. huhu..

adar berkata...

maaf krn terpaksa menjual blogmas. syg nak jual tp terpaksa. adei...

Afham berkata...

adar: alaa adar..tak pe la..ak salah kan ko..

Persoalan Struktur Organisasi Standard

Susah juga untuk mencari rujukan yang sewajar dalam membangunkan struktur organisasi yang standard, kukuh, praktikal dan efektif. Setiap org...